Green Yellow Red


It all started when…

In an effort to practice mental health fitness and resiliency, a daily assessment was developed for employees. Focusing on mental health, makes us better leaders, co-workers, family members, and friends.

As a consistent part of the morning routine, crew members rate themselves as green, yellow, or red in terms of their emotional and mental health, preferably with at least one other person. Then each person gives their plan of how to maintain Green or repair or restore toward green. If someone identifies as YELLOW or RED, it's their duty to share with at least one other person about what's going on. If people are unsure of how to improve where they are, they need to commit to asking for support from a specific person. Some problems can't be solved or addressed immediately, and the people in yellow or red still need support, to know they're not alone in facing what's painful or difficult.

GREEN: “I’m at a green because my partner and I decided to get married, and they don’t mind a long engagement. I’m going to keep it green by continuing to stay in contact with them and letting my fire family know how important that relationship is to me.”

YELLOW: “I’m starting to notice I am losing sleep with worries about my family out here on this assignment. I haven’t been able to help with some problems at home, and I want them to know I care about them. I’m going to hike out to a spot that gets reception tonight, even if I’m tired so that I can make that connection.”

RED: “I’m at a red because I twisted my ankle and I’m really worried I won’t be able to go out on the next assignment and I really need the money and the engagement. My plan is to ask my crew boss today and ask for time to go see a doctor, and I hope I’ll get some good news. I also hope there is some work I can do here if I can’t go out.”